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Shantanu Panigrahii's Daily Bulletin

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Complaint Investigations against Barclays Bank, Santander Bank, Barclaycard, PayPal and Tide Banks

Complaint Investigations against Barclays Bank, Santander Bank, Barclaycard, PayPal and Tide Banks


from:    Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date:     29 Apr 2024, 12:01

subject:               Complaint Investigations against Barclays Bank, Santander Bank, Barclaycard, PayPal and Tide Banks




Financial Ombudsman Service

Exchange Tower

London E14 9SR

Tel: 0800 023 4567


 Dear Sirs


I have had issues with regard to transactions with the above referred Banks which the Legal Ombudsman has stated may be within your remit/jurisdiction to investigate as attached:


Kindly confirm that this information is correct before I undertake the long and laborious task of compiling the evidence for the complaint.


Yours sincerely


Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619


Thank you for contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service



date:     29 Apr 2024, 12:01

subject:               Thank you for contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service


Signed by:

security:             Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more


Thank you for contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service, we are a free service set up to resolve disputes with financial businesses, like banks or insurance companies.

We’re helping a lot of customers at the moment, so I’m sorry we won’t be able to reply straight away.

If you’re contacting us about a new complaint

You can find out more about the things we can help with on our website – where you can also use our complaint checker tool to see if your complaint is one we can look at. 

If we can help, we will get back to you within 7 days.  Due to the volume of enquiries we receive, we are only able to reply to those customers we can help.

If you already have a complaint with us

We’ll contact you once your complaint is with a case-handler.

However, if you’re experiencing serious financial or health problems, or need to speak to someone urgently, please call us on 0800 023 4567.

If we are not able to help you

We can only look at complaints about financial businesses (like banks, insurance companies and finance firms). We can’t help with other complaints – for example, about phone and utility companies, council tax or legal services. Please look at our website for more information about other organisations that may be able to help – but they are completely separate from the Financial Ombudsman Service

And just to remind you again, if we can help, we will get back to you within 7 days.


Financial Ombudsman Service


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