EXTERNAL - Any information forthcoming before Bail attendance date?
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
to: Enquiries Kent <enquiries@kent.police.uk>
cc: adminteam@cabmedwaylegal.org.uk
date: 24 Sept 2023, 07:21
subject: Re: EXTERNAL - Any information forthcoming before Bail attendance date?
mailed-by: gmail.com
Kent Police
Dear Sirs
I was not sure what you were questioning but there are several uncertainties still on my mind and I will narrate these here, as you may require.
Firstly, Kent Police should know that I have always been a law-abiding citizen and if I have transgressed on the boundaries what is legal and illegal activities, it was from innocence born of my quest for knowledge.
Secondly, I was not sure whether Kent Police has now lumped together the allegation of stalking with the allegation of malicious communication into a single offence for as you will realise I have different Bail appearance dates, 28 September 2023, 1600 hours for malicious communications and 10 October 2023 1600 hours for stalking.
Thirdly, it is not clear to me whether I will now get a new Duty Solicitor to represent me in Court if and when the matter reaches that far, for Olives Solicitors has not replied to me in writing except to tell me that all communications should now be sent to their info@olivessolicitors.com email address.
As you are aware, I am by law entitled to legal representation. I am still not sure if the Citizens Advice Bureau has this matter in hand.
Fourthly, Easyjet has not provided me with an explanation as to why our Flight from Turkey was cancelled two hours before we were due to depart on the 21 of September 2021 at the end of our holiday. As you are aware from the material that I forwarded to you, our family holiday was seemingly put into disarray by a criminal anonymous email that I tried to have investigated by the Turkish Embassy in London but there was no reply.
Fifthly, yes most certainly, I would like to know today if the application that I made to the Office for Police and Crime Commissioner to judge whether the Bail conditions imposed on me were unjust and unlawful in order that I can plan for the future in light of the fact that North Kent Magistrates Court has not informed me as to whether the Bail on both stalking and malicious communications were overturned by the Magistrates upon due application for their consideration of the matter.
Sixthly, I had requested Master Bancroft Rimmer to assess the evidence under CA-2023-000750 and to judge whether there was a Court within the Constitution of the United Kingdom which had jurisdiction to entertain Appeals that cited a breakdown of Judicial and Law Enforcement process as in my case: please recall that I had applied to the Medway County Court back in 2021 for an injunction against the Chief Constable of Kent Police to stop the Police investigation of the stalking and malicious email offences for I should not be regarded as a suspect on issues relating to Katrina Sale, staff of BLM Law, bp, educational establishments including the University of Greenwich (which owes me £55,000 in severance pay from 1998), Solicitors Regulation authority staff, and some others that do not immediately come to mind but which I can dig out if required.
Seventhly, there has been no commitment from Kent Police on the return of our four computers, two Mobile Phones, four USB Memory Sticks, and two Amazon pads plus some correspondence files that were seized from our house during the process of investigating me as a suspect. When will Kent Police let us have these back as I need them for my Hearing of Trial on the 10 November 2023 2 pm at North Kent Magistrates Court sitting at Medway Magistrates Court to provide evidence for mitigation on the Speeding Offence of 5 October 2023?
I trust this information is helpful.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
United Kingdom
On Sat, 23 Sept 2023 at 20:15, Enquiries Kent <enquiries@kent.police.uk> wrote:
Good Evening,
To clarify, are you just needing to confirm your bail appointment is going ahead?
What further information do you require from Kent Police?
Thank you
Kind Regards,
Niamh 62080
Telephone: 01622 690690 (Switchboard)
Web: www.kent.police.uk
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
Sent: 23 September 2023 19:05
To: Enquiries Kent <enquiries@kent.police.uk>; Northkent <northkent@justice.gov.uk>
Cc: jill@jilljesson.com; phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk
Subject: 62080 EXTERNAL - Any information forthcoming before Bail attendance date?
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Kent Police
North Kent Magistrates Court
Dear Sirs/Madam
Either I was imagining things but I really was under the impression that the Samaritans have for years been acting as a go-between agent in my legal dispute with Kent Police as another agent of the State authorities, and this was helpful to me in ascertaining many of the facts surrounding this matter because they replied to me; most times but not all, and especially not when the information that I was seeking was urgently required for legal purposes.
The lack of a reply to the attached email that I updated the Samaritans with causes me further and this time more severe doubt and emotional distress on whether they have ever been on my side in this dispute in mot acknowledging my email let alone just providing me with emotional support for my paranoid schizophrenia, severe depression, persistent delusional disorder, autism, and bipolar with delusions: ToSamarttans(HolidayEndsRemainingUncertainty)23Sep2023.docx.
Is it possible that Kent Police or North Kent Magistrates Court is in a position to advise me of my rights now?
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
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