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Shantanu Panigrahii's Daily Bulletin

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Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi


from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to: Ravina Karir <>

cc: Force Control Kent <>,

Northkent <>,,

KentCPO <>

date: 6 Dec 2023, 07:49




Olives Solicitors

Dear Olives Solicitors

Kindly look at the attached deliberations REST ASSURED-digital.pdf, in relation to the Bail documents Kent Police OFFICIAL Generated Date 25Sep2023.docx; Rebail to Police Station 19102022 (1).pdf; and advise on the lawfulness of what is proposed.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom#

Tel: 07967789619

3 attachments

• Scanned by Gmail

(a) REST ASSURED-digital.pdf

(b) Rebail to Police Station 19102022 (1).pdf

(c) Kent Police OFFICIAL Generated Date 25Sep2023.docx



Author: Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Publisher: The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited

Companies House Number 13489581

ISBN Number: 978-1-7384488-9-0


Fw: eBooks of publishers The Conservative Libertarian Publication Limited for legal deposit


from: LDO-Electronic <>

to: "" <>

date: 5 Dec 2023, 09:47

subject: Fw: eBooks of publishers The Conservative Libertarian Publication Limited for legal deposit


Signed by:

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.


Dear Shantanu,

      Thank you for your email.

The British Library is continuing to experience a major technology outage, as a result of a cyber-attack. The outage is affecting our website, online systems and services, as well as some onsite services including our Reading Rooms and public wifi. We anticipate restoring many services in the next few weeks, but some disruption may persist for longer.

We have now confirmed that this was a ransomware attack, by a group known for such criminal activity. We are aware that some data has been leaked, which appears to be from files relating to our internal HR information.

We have no evidence that wider user data has been compromised. However, we are recommending as a precautionary measure that if users have a password for British Library services that they also use elsewhere, they should change it. The National Cyber Security Centre provides guidance on creating a secure password:

We have taken targeted protective measures to ensure the integrity of our systems, and we continue to undertake an investigation with the support of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), the Metropolitan Police and cybersecurity specialists. As this investigation remains ongoing, we cannot provide further details at this time.

The British Library’s Chief Executive, Sir Roly Keating, said: “We are immensely grateful to our many users and partners who have shown such patience and support as we work to analyse the impact of this criminal attack and identify what we need to do to restore our online systems in a safe and sustainable manner. It is too soon to offer an exact timetable, but we will provide regular updates as we progress this vital work.”

The Library’s sites in London and Yorkshire are open to the public as normal, and details of the services, exhibitions and events that remain available can be found @britishlibrary on X (formerly Twitter).

As such, we will respond to your email in full as soon as we are able to.

Kind regards

Gill Allison

Digital Processing Team

Dear Sirs

Today we finalised our 157 eBooks,which are now ready to deposit in the British Library, as outlined in the link here: STANDARD LETTER FOR ENQUIRIES ON SHANTANU PANIGRAHI’S ONLINE WORK (

Please reopen British Library's Portal Deposit System for the publishers so that these eBooks can be made available to the customers of British Library.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619


Experience the British Library online at

The British Library’s latest Annual Report and Accounts :

Help the British Library conserve the world's knowledge. Adopt a Book.

The Library's St Pancras site is WiFi - enabled


The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended for the addressee(s) only. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete this e-mail and notify the : The contents of this e-mail must not be disclosed or copied without the sender's consent.

The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the British Library. The British Library does not take any responsibility for the views of the author.


Think before you print


Last night, Amulya Nayak sent another of his annoying pictured messages at 2.52 am and this morning I responded with a old bird photograph, under which I wrote: Aamor deckha kebe bhi hoba ra chance nahi at 6.54 am.

Amulya Nayak has not replied.

Marked all nonsensical SEO type emails that came after I had updated my Medical Appointments book as Spam and deleted. Will always delete incoming emails unless they are from official sources directly. This email from British Library does not require any action because their systems are down due tp a Cyber attack. I will wait till when the contact me to answer the question that I had asked.

The Medical Appointments book is complete and will not update it any more in Libertarian Democracy or in the Allurement of Reality Shop. I will not post this book that I am writing in the websites either because I now know everything that I need to know.

I asked Rashmi if I should get my aripiprazole changed explaining that it was in the 3 July 2023 CARE PLAN, for she has always been against me coming of the antipsychotic risperidone but this causes hyperprolactinaemia. She did not answer. I said I had no choice but to take aripiprazole for the past month because they are not giving me sufficient risperidone. I take one aripiprazole 5 mg in the morning and one risperidone tablet 2 mg at late evening. We agreed to let Dr Mwanche decide.

Rahmi just said that ‘This is why you are getting obsessed’ from taking aripiprazole.


10.54 am (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

World Class Web Solution...




anita raj



Tue, 5 Dec at 10:21


World Class Web Solution like:-

1. Ecommerce, Responsive, Mobile, CMS and Custom Website Design

2. Mobile Apps (Android, IOS)

3. Domain Hosting and Registration

4. Logo Design

5. Online Marketing (SEO, SMO, PPC)

For any assistance let us know?.

Best Regards,



Update and Comment:

Deleted all remaining emails from Gmail and Yahoo Accounts after this email appeared, and no Phone call from the GP Surgery. I will not be answering the Mobile Phone now.


11.12 am (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

Published this book in Libertarian Democracy after a LinkedIn email came in and I was still wating for a Call from the GP Surgery that did not come. So I am free to get on with whatever I wish to do. In my covering introduction in both publishing I entered: ‘Life is about work, rest and play’.


13.12 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

Shantanu, your posts got 239 impressions last week


from: LinkedIn <>

to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date: 5 Dec 2023, 11:39

subject: Shantanu, your posts got 239 impressions last week


Signed by:

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more


Shantanu Panigrahi

Last week, your posts received


Post impressions

View your analytics

This email was intended for Shantanu Panigrahi (Environmental Scientist (Retired))

Learn why we included this.

You are receiving LinkedIn notification emails.

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© 2023 LinkedIn Corporation, 1‌000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.


[Message clipped] View entire message


Shantanu, your posts got 239 impressions last week

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to: LinkedIn <>

date: 5 Dec 2023, 13:18

subject: Re: Shantanu, your posts got 239 impressions last week


Dear Linked In

That is good news. I am sure some good will come of it in due course. Thanking you for keeping me informed.

I am considering now whether to return to Premium if you can give me a 1 month Free Trial. It might have better possibilities for me to advance Conservative Libertarianism teaching.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom


On Tue, 5 Dec 2023 at 11:39, LinkedIn <> wrote:


Shantanu Panigrahi

Last week, your posts received


Post impressions

View your analytics

This email was intended for Shantanu Panigrahi (Environmental Scientist (Retired))

Learn why we included this.

You are receiving LinkedIn notification emails.

Unsubscribe · Help


© 2023 LinkedIn Corporation, 1‌000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.


13.22 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

from: Mail Delivery Subsystem <>


date: 5 Dec 2023, 13:18

subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)


Signed by:

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.

Error Icon

Address not found

Your message wasn't delivered to because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.

The response from the remote server was:

550 5.1.1 Invalid recipient

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

To: LinkedIn <>



Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 13:18:19 +0000

Subject: Re: Shantanu, your posts got 239 impressions last week

----- Message truncated -----


13.25 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

Added this 159th book to the Standard letter: to show the publishing continues to be in progress. So the work of The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited continues.


13.51 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023


Updated this book up to this point of 13.51 pm so that the State Authorities can take everything that is in the public domain into account in deciding what to do next.


14.16 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

Update and Comments

At 14.26 posted my email attempted to Linkedin in Daily Bulletin and tried to tweet and post it in LinkedIn but it did not go. I am not going into Twitter or Facebook or LinkedIn again.


14.35 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023


Checked through Microsoft Start search engine for the conservative libertarian society to go to the Standard Letter that my 22 websites are still in the public domain and they are, including the which has been taken of the search engine and so one has to link into the main site to find the Shop at the Index on the top of the site. All the eBooks are still in the public domain.

If I post anything more in my Wix Account I will not share these in social media like Facebook, Twitter and Linked In.


14.52 pm (UK-Time) 4 December 2023

Updated this book up to this 14.52 point in Libertarian Democracy and in the Allurement of Reality Shop


15.07 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

New Message from John Morley


from: PodMatch <>


to: Shantanu <>

date: 5 Dec 2023, 15:01

subject: New Message from John Morley


Signed by:

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.

Hello Shantanu, you have a new message on PodMatch from John Morley about possibly being a guest on your show.

Click here to view and respond to the message.

Happy Matching,

Alex Sanfilippo

(Email sent on behalf of Alex by the PodMatch Team)

➤ Visit: PodMatch

➤ Attend: Upcoming Event

➤ Connect: Podcast | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter

To change email frequency preferences or to unsubscribe, visit your settings page.

Hey what's up?Thank you for your support!



I can only do postings and podcasting (which I do not do any way since Wordpress/Anchor/Spotify took away the convenient automatic system and I have not yet come across an alternative) in my websites, not in Twitter, not in Facebook, not in LinkedIn, not in Podmatch, so will delete this email.

Deleted all emails in all Gmail Folders. There were none in the Yahoo Email Account.


15.20 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023


Updated this book up to this 15.20 pm point in Libertarian Democracy and in The Allurement of Reality Shop, for the State Authorities still have time for Dr Mwanche or the receptionist at the GP Surgery to telephone me before 6.00 pm to let me know if a face-to-face appointment will be granted, so that I can explain to Dr Mwanche what State-organised conspiracy to terrorise, persecute, victimise, obstruct justice and pervert the course of justice is when the Central London County Court will not provide Full Written Reasons for his/her continued adjournment of my Claim against the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak now for £18.4 million in damages and compensation for the 26 years of suffering that I have endured without my £55,000 severance payment from the University of Greenwich since 1998, and the refund of totally unjust costs of £4170 that I had to pay the Cabinet Office under duress from the District Judge Lightman’s Order of 21 June 2021. This does not even begin to take into consideration the humiliation of being forced into incarceration into mental hospitals in 2004 and 2008 and the seven false arrests by Kent Police of myself since 15 September 2021 with seizure of one desktop computer, 3 laptop computers, 2 Mobile Phones, 2 Amazon Pads, 4 USB Memory Sticks and a dozen correspondence files under false pretences of investigating me on ‘reasonable’ suspicion of perpetrating Stalking on Katrina Sale and sending malicious communications to various people and institutions of the State such as British Petroleum (bP), staff of BLM Law, the Independent Office for Police Conduct, Solicitors Regulation Authority and educational establishments.

I would welcome a call from the GP Surgery to discuss my physical and mental disturbances as to how these were related to the injustices that I have faced here in the United Kingdom.


15.44 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

The Whole World is Against Me

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>


cc: Phso Enquiries <>

date: 5 Dec 2023, 16:02

subject: The Whole World is Against Me



Jil Jesson


I know I said that you mean well when you refuted my suggestion that I was feeling like the world is against me including the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, I did appreciate your consoling voice, but things are still the same.

I updated my book attached (REST ASSURED.pdf) up to this 15.20 pm point in Libertarian Democracy and in The Allurement of Reality Shop, for the State Authorities still have time for Dr Mwanche or the receptionist at the GP Surgery to telephone me before 6.00 pm to let me know if a face-to-face appointment will be granted, so that I can explain to Dr Mwanche what State-organised conspiracy to terrorise, persecute, victimise, obstruct justice and pervert the course of justice is when the Central London County Court will not provide Full Written Reasons for his/her continued adjournment of my Claim against the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak now for £18.4 million in damages and compensation for the 26 years of suffering that I have endured without my £55,000 severance payment from the University of Greenwich since 1998, and the refund of totally unjust costs of £4170 that I had to pay the Cabinet Office under duress from the District Judge Lightman’s Order of 21 June 2021. This does not even begin to take into consideration the humiliation of being forced into incarceration into mental hospitals in 2004 and 2008 and the seven false arrests by Kent Police of myself since 15 September 2021 with seizure of one desktop computer, 3 laptop computers, 2 Mobile Phones, 2 Amazon Pads, 4 USB Memory Sticks and a dozen correspondence files under false pretences of investigating me on ‘reasonable’ suspicion of perpetrating Stalking on Katrina Sale and sending malicious communications to various people and institutions of the State such as British Petroleum (bP), staff of BLM Law, the Independent Office for Police Conduct, Solicitors Regulation Authority and educational establishments.

I would welcome a call from the GP Surgery to discuss my physical and mental disturbances as to how these were related to the injustices that I have faced here in the United Kingdom.

Sorry to send you this email but I urgently need a psychotherapy Session with you on Zoom. Please send me a Zoom link for it. It is not Sunday evening any more.

Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel 07967789619

One attachment

• Scanned by Gmail

REST ASSURED.pdf (up to 15.44 pm of this book)


Automatic reply: [External] The Whole World is Against Me


from: Phso Enquiries <>

to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date: 5 Dec 2023, 16:08

subject: Automatic reply: [External] The Whole World is Against Me


Signed by:

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.

This is an automated response to confirm we have received your email.

Please read the section which relates to why you have contacted us.

You are bringing or have a complaint with us.

1. If you are bringing a complaint to us and this is your first contact:

We are sorry that you have had reason to contact us. The best way to submit your complaint to us is to complete our complaint form. You can complete the NHS form online, or you can get copies of our Parliamentary and Health forms (including large print format) on our website.

If you are unsure if your complaint is ready for us to look at, you can find out more on our website.

If you need a different format such as a different language or Braille, or if you need any further support to help you get your complaint to us, you can call us on 0345 015 4033. We can also provide paper copies of the forms. Our opening hours are Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5.00pm, Friday 8.30am to 12pm

2. If you have an existing case with us:

Your email will be added to your case and your caseworker will usually be in contact with you within 10 working days.

3. If you are making an FOI request:

Please resend your email to

You are contacting us from an organisation or MP's office:

If you are providing records or a response to enquiries on a case, your email will be added to the case and if necessary, the caseworker will be in contact with you.

If you have a general query, you will be responded to within 10 working days.

If you are emailing about any of the following, please redirect your email:

Recruitment –

Invoicing –


[Message clipped] View entire message


16.16 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

I checked my 22 websites through Microsoft Start search engine for ‘the conservative libertarian society’ and finding the Standard Letter for Enquiries: The sites were still in the public domain through the 22 links and the allurement of Reality shop took me to all of the eBooks on sale and these were functional in that one could select a book, add to cart, check cart, and Check out for payment.

At just gone 5.00 pm I updated this book into the Allurement of Reality Shop up to the 16.16 pm point but left the Libertarian Democracy entre alone as having served its purpose of probing the State Authorities. Anyone now will have to purchase the required book to know the required details.

The Surgery is open till 6.00 pm so I will see if the Phone rings as the document

The Whole World is Against Me

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>


cc: Phso Enquiries <>

date: 5 Dec 2023, 16:02

subject: The Whole World is Against Me



Jil Jesson


(TRUNCATED) is still under legal consideration, and will remain so until the Bail Appointment dates of 18 December 2023/21 December 2023.


17.19 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

Re: CSI Division




Shantanu Panigrahi



Tue, 5 Dec at 17:28

Dear Nicky

I am a Publisher and sell my 159 books on line, as this link shows:


I teach people about life and how to live inviting them to these websites to take part in Fora discussions on all aspects of the Environment.

I am not in the Construction industry.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom


Hide original message

On Tuesday, 5 December 2023 at 15:40:52 GMT, <> wrote:


Looking for a job estimation service that provides accurate and timely estimates? Our team of experts has years of experience in the construction industry and can provide you with a detailed estimate that includes labor, materials, permits, and subcontractor costs. We work with you to ensure that your project is completed within budget and on time. Contact us today for a consultation.


Nicky Timm

Marketing Manager

Perfect Estimation, LLC


17.31 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023


Updated this book in The Allurement of Reality Shop.


17.38 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

Rohingya Muslims face a daunting future in trying to find sanctuary in boats

in Global Outlook

The TCLS is aghast at the lack of humanitarian efforst to assist Rohingya Muslims a safe passage to countries who would have them in as they get on boats to try and find a safe haven.


18.02 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

Update and Comments:

6.00 pm came and went and the Phone be it Mobile or Landline did not ring. I have therefore realised that this document:

The Whole World is Against Me

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>


cc: Phso Enquiries <>

date: 5 Dec 2023, 16:02

subject: The Whole World is Against Me



Jil Jesson


Is private and confidential, not to be distributed or sent to a third person unless someone asks for it and I will then give it to them. It will then be marked Private and Confidential as the 159 eBooks are through the Standard letter of The Conservative Libertarian Society in the link provided:

We do not live in a commune sharing information willy nally.


18.14 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

No Phone Call came into the Landline or the Mobile Phone

A PAYPAL email came into the Yahoo Account. I deleted it annoyed that the State Authorities were still set upon terrorising me.

I cleared a;; WhatsApp conversations with Lisa Jill Jesson, Amulya Nayak and Radhika Rajput and blocked them

At 18.50 published the email sent to Jill Jesson copied to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman as the fight has not ended. The warfare continues. I am not hiding under Medical Cover. This matter must get into Court. The email cannot be allowed to be ignored by the State Authorities as it leaves me in suspension.

It was tweeted and posted in Linkedin.


19.02 am (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

New Message from Bo Bennett, PhD


from: PodMatch <>


to: Shantanu <>

date: 5 Dec 2023, 19:05

subject: New Message from Bo Bennett, PhD


Signed by:

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.

Hello Shantanu, you have a new message on PodMatch from Bo Bennett, PhD about possibly being a guest on your show.

Click here to view and respond to the message.

Happy Matching,

Alex Sanfilippo

(Email sent on behalf of Alex by the PodMatch Team)

➤ Visit: PodMatch

➤ Attend: Upcoming Event

➤ Connect: Podcast | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter

To change email frequency preferences or to unsubscribe, visit your settings page.



I clicked to get into the site and in the Accounts Setting deleted my Account in Podmatch


19.34 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

Modified the Standard Letter to:


Updated: 1 minute ago


I publish selected material in websites and books, am 66 years of age but not retired from publishing work. The Conservative Libertarian Publication Limited still exists as a Company registered with Companies House and pays Corporation Tax to His Majesty Revenue and Customs in the United Kingdom.

I am a Conservative Libertarian and write as one, although it had come to a temporary end on 30 November 2023 to check on the lawfulness of what I was publishing in the United Kingdom. From this evening of the 5th of November 2023 I do promotional work of my books that I wish to derive an income from bring the ideas underlying Conservative Libertarianism in a philanthropic manner to serve mankind with my knowledge and experiences. I sell my books for I have costs towards maintaining my websites.

I deal with enquiries made to me by email, telephone calls or WhatsApp communications from those who might be interested in the content of my websites and books. I study the material that are contained in the following websites. The 159th book entitled 'Rest Assured' is my last written under the Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited brand. In my websites I comment on global issues as a Conservative Libertarian, that comes from the Vishista Advaita Sampradaya religious framework of the author:


I look at these websites through the above links like any visitor to any website would and derive pleasure that I have had full Realisation. I discuss anything in the Forum associated with the websites.

The eBooks that I have written under the Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited Imprint are under the theme ‘The Allurement of Reality as follows:


1. a-conception-of-reality

2. navigating-the-state-of-the-united-kingdom

3. searching-for-mental-health-services

4. karma-in-sanatan-dharma

5. the-preliminaries-of-an-allurement-of-reality

6. the-climate-change-phenomenon

7. maryada-purushottama-bhagwan-ram

8. truth-accommodation

9. autobiography-of-a-sadhaka-in-samadhi

10. post-realisation-musings

11. misecllany

12. mind-and-mindfulness

13. sri-krishna-s-maya

14. picking-up-the-pieces

15. a-review-of-the-status-quo

16. passage-to-india/ A creative passage to the homeland

17. back-to-square-one

18. tidying-up-loose-ends

19. the-final-unfolding-of-truth

20. the-evolution-of-democratic-ideals

21. withstanding-state-organised-persecution

22. managing-the-environment

23. the-world-serving-nature

24. paramarthika-dharma

25. judgement-pending

26. resting-on-ones-laurels

27. the-final-straight-digital

28. a-new-climate-for-mankind

29. post-mortem

30. truth-is-cure-all

31. footnotes-to-the-allurement-of-reality

32. defamatory-persecution-squashed

33. loyalty-in-jeopardy

34. hitting-back-in-dharmayudha

35. life-beyond-gyan-yoga

36. a-new-beginning-beckons

37. diary-of-a-paranoid-schizophrenic

38. a-constructive-life

39. the-aftermath-of-conflict

40. last-cries-of-the-vanquished

41. what-advaita-and-why-advaita

42. a-legacy-of-knowledge-accumulation

43. science-religion-and-philosophy

44. collapse-of-western-civilisation

45. medical-support-to-withstand-persecution

46. dealing-with-international-criminals

47. final-resolution

48. the-conservative-libertarian-society

49. dictatorial-monarch-in-the-united-kingdom

50. power corrupts

51. conscientious objection as a defence-of-defence

52. litigation-is-the-best-form-of-defence

53. preserving-the-rule-of-law

54. Hindu-spirituality condensed

55. the crunch time

56. god-and-creation

57. prospects-for-a-confirmed-vishista-advaitist

58. being-my-true-self

59. spontaneity-of-actions

60. and now-to-the-mundane

62. cessation-of-suffering

63. freeing-from-the-clutches-of-demons

64. reputation-matters

65. the-journey-continues

66. sorting-out-the-rubbish

67. winner-takes-all

68. reforming-the-constitution-of-the-united-kingdom

69. putting-devotional-bhakti-to-the-test

70. piss-taking-as-an-art-form

71. dharma yoga

72. and-so-the-saga-rumbles-on

73. let-barking-dogs-lie

74. the-final-nail-in-the-coffin

75. self-enquiry

76. the-final-curtain

77. crisis-what-crisis

78. responsibilities-kartavya

79. the-blockade

80. new-horizons


82. Steady-as-she-goes

83. Parliamentary-proceedings

84. fundamentals-remaining

85. the-crux-of-the-matter

86. the-attorney-general-decides

87. the-final-touches

88. policy-changes

89. decision-of-the-state-authorities

90. chickens-coming-home-to-roost


92. a-fresh-start-to-hostilities

93. the-settlement-in-progress

94. apologise-and-pay-compensation

95. what-happened-next

96. finally-a-court-hearing-for-the-claimant

97. watching-with-interest

98. it-is-never-over-until-it-is-over

99. the-brightness-of-vishista-advaita

100. the-purpose-of-life

102. update-on-proceedings

103. the-judge-and-the-jury

104. summarised-considerations

105. memoirs-of-late

106. only-truth-is-risk-free

107. long-time-no-see

108. freedom-of-information

109. dossier-submission-to-the-state-authorities

110. the-final-countdown


112. liberation-from-self-preservation

113. the-end-review

114. Saving-one's-reputation-is-a-work-in-progress

115. When-fortified-with-truth,-defend

116. Proof-of-the-pudding-is-in-eating

117. The-outcome

118. Reform-in-progress

119. Teaching-by-learning

120. Fight-for-truth-and-justice-goes-on


122. Easy-does-it

123. What-is-coming-next

124. Revolution-unfolding-in-the-united-kingdom

125. The-real-battle-begins

126. What-was-all-that-about? A-damp-squib

127. Petition-to-the-monarch

128. Moving-on

129. Establishing-one's-rights

130. Truth-charade


132. Progressing-into-the-future

133. A-piece-of-cake

134. Brutally-honest

135. The-final-hurdles-to-liberty

136. Up,-up-and-away

137. Use-and-abuse

138. Wow,-what-an-ending

139. Reality-fathomed-phase

140. On-the-crest-of-a-wave


142. When-all-is-said-and-done

143. The-resurgence

144. Good-times-ahead

145. Slaughterhouse

146. Times-are-changing

147. The-final-decision-looms

148. Diplomatic-manoeuvres

149. Postscript

150. The-day-of-reckoning


152. Waiting-game

153. And-so-it-goes-on

154. What-have-you-got-to-say-for-yourself

155. Time-to-reflect

156. Retirement-phase

157. Family-and-friends


159. Rest-assured

These books are on sale here:

On request of a specific Title I will send the eBooks written under the Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited totalling 159 to people who ask for copies because they cannot afford to pay for the costs of the books online. I have all eBooks stored in my USB Memory Stick and will only send these on the condition that these, like the online purchases are for 'Private and Confidential Correspondence For Personal Use and Not to be Distributed'.

I hope this clarification is useful to you.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619


20.41 pm (UK-Time) 5 December 2023

Re: New Message from John Lawyer

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>


date: 6 Dec 2023, 06:42

subject: Re: New Message from John Lawyer


Dear Alecia Sanflippo

I closed down my Account at Podmatch yesterday because the 'World is Against Me' - I am only replying to you out of courtesy.

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

On Tue, 5 Dec 2023 at 22:28, Alecia Sanfilippo <> wrote:

Hi Dr Shantanu!!

Thanks for reaching out!

To host an interview from PodMatch, you just need to make sure that your guest has the correct link to whatever software you use to record. From there, you will record your podcast like normal! 😃

Let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of help!

With Love,

Alecia Sanfilippo

The Founder's Boss |

We help podcast hosts and guests reach more listeners

and grow their income so they can change more lives. 💜

How we serve:

➤ Matching podcast guests and hosts for interviews: PodMatch

➤ Get your podcaster personality type: PodScore

➤ Win reviews for your show: PodLottery

P.S. Have you seen the two books we released about podcasting? I'd love for you to check them out: Podcast Mastery Series 📚

Sent from Front

On December 5, 2023 at 2:13 AM EST wrote:

Dear Team at Podmatch

I am a host at Podmatch but have had zero experience of using the facility to establish podcast interviews: could you give me a step-by-step instructions of how one does this as I have a match scheduled for one such interview.

Thank you

Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

On Tue, 5 Dec 2023 at 06:07, PodMatch <> wrote:

Hello Shantanu, you have a new message on PodMatch from John Lawyer about possibly being a guest on your show.

Click here to view and respond to the message.

Happy Matching,

Alex Sanfilippo

(Email sent on behalf of Alex by the PodMatch Team)

➤ Visit: PodMatch

➤ Attend: Upcoming Event

➤ Connect: Podcast | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter

To change email frequency preferences or to unsubscribe, visit your settings page.


06.53 am (UK-Time) 6 December 2023



ស្វាគមន៍ I am Mr Chan Sokha and a personal Accountant Director with Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia (FTB).It is with a good spirit that I opened up this great op

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>


date: 6 Dec 2023, 07:03

subject: Re: ជំរាបសួរ


Dear Mr Chan Sokha

I am a Publisher and try and sell my books through my website as linked here: STANDARD LETTER FOR ENQUIRIES ON Dr SHANTANU PANIGRAHI’S ONLINE WORK (

Is this something you might be interested in?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

On Wed, 6 Dec 2023 at 04:01, Chan Sokha <> wrote:


I am Mr Chan Sokha and a personal Accountant Director with Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia (FTB).

It is with a good spirit that I opened up this great opportunity to you. A deceased client of mine that shares almost the same name as yours died as a result of heart-related condition in March 2005.His heart condition was due to the death of the members of his family in the tsunami disaster on the 26 December 2004 in Sumatra Indonesia where they all lost their lives.

There is a draft account opened in my bank in 1999 by a long-time client our bank,a national of your country.he was a CEO/a textile company owner,business man,a miner at kruger mining company here in Cambodia. he was a geologist and consultant to several other mining conglomerates operating in Cambodia,China,Taiwan,Japan,Indonesia,Pakistan,Vietnam all in Asia,before he passed away on 12th march 2005 leaving nobody as the next of kin of his account after his death.

The amount in this account is currently $32,640.000.00 (Thirty Two million, Six Hundred And Forty Thousand United States dollars) .I want to present you as a beneficiary,I will use my position and influence in our bank to make them release this money to you for us to share.

Kindly get back to me for more details.

Yours sincerely

Mr Chan Sokha

Board of Director

Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia

Phnom Penh.


07.07 am (UK-Time) 6 December 2023

Updated this book in The Allurement of Reality Shop, the checked if the 22 websites are still in order through the Microsoft Start into the conservative libertarian society website, and then It is all fully functional.


07.22 am (UK-Time) 6 December 2023


The Preface above has established what I can do and cannot do from my personal point of view. The rest of this book is devoted to developments as the outcome of all my online works to date. No further Comments will be written, just bare correspondence for the reader to decide, for anything I do and write can be recorded and held as evidence against me by the State Authorities.


Last Updated: 07.33 am (UK-Time) 6 December 2023


OFFICIAL Date generated: 03/10/2023

Custody Record No:- 46YA/1620/23 Page 1 of 4






Bail to Police Station – Variation of Date / Location

Custody Record Number 46YA/1620/23

Custody Station Maidstone

Officer in Case DC 46 15060 Field

On 03/10/2023 09:59, you were granted bail, following your arrest on reasonable suspicion that you

had committed an offence/s namely:

Offence Committed Arrest Date/Time

Stalking 13/07/2023 09:28

I write to advise you that your bailed to time or Police Station has been changed.

Your bail to return on 10/10/2023 has now been cancelled and you do not need to attend Medway Police Station on 10/10/2023.

You must now attend Medway, Medway Police Station, Purser Way, Gillingham, Kent on 18/12/2023 11:00.

The reason for this re-bail is: File still with the CPS awaiting a decision.

Please note:

If your bail has conditions attached, these bail conditions will still apply.

It is your responsibility to notify your legal representative of the change of your bail details.


Insp 46 10975 Johnston

OFFICIAL Date generated: 03/10/2023

Custody Record No:- 46YA/1620/23 Page 2 of 4

Information to suspects released on bail

Bail legislation is contained within the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, as amended in 2017 & 2022.

If released on bail the following is applicable: -

• You must surrender to custody at the date and time as specified above

• You will be subject of an Applicable Bail Period (ABP). The ABP covers a period that you can be bailed within by the Custody Officer before it is reviewed to ensure the investigation is being dealt with diligently and expeditiously and to ensure that bail is still necessary and proportionate.

• If initially you were released on bail before 28/10/2022 the ABP was authorised by a Police Inspector

for 28 days. The ABP can be reviewed, and an extension to 3 calendar months may be authorised on or before 28 days, by a Police Superintendent. Further extensions can be authorised at 3 calendar months intervals thereafter.

• If initially you were released on bail after 28/10/2022 the ABP was authorised by the Custody Officer for 3 calendar months. The ABP can be reviewed, and an extension for another 3 calendar months may be authorised, on or before 3 calendar months, by a Police Inspector. Further extensions can be authorised at 3 calendar months intervals thereafter.

• If your case is being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office, or the Financial Conduct Authority, or

HM Revenue and Customs, or the National Crime Agency, the initial ABP for these cases is six months authorised by the Custody Officer. However, the police do not authorise extensions for these cases. This must be done by a designated officer for those agencies.

• If your case has been immediately referred to the Crown Prosecution Service the ABP will not start unless they require the investigators to carry out further work.

• You or your legal representative will be informed of the intention to apply for an extension to the ABP either in person if at the police station or by your preferred means of contact. You will be asked if you want to make any representations either immediately if in person by return of post / email etc.

• Early reviews will be conducted by relevant decision makers and later ones will be conducted by the Courts.

• The ABP will be suspended for the time that the case is sent back to the Crown Prosecution Service.

• You will be informed of the decision and the relevant time and date of the end of your ABP.

• You will also be informed of the actual date and time you are due to answer bail. This may be the same or a different time to the end of an ABP.

• The consequence of all of the above is that your bail date can be subject to several amendments.

However a reasonable attempt will always be made to notify you of any changes, in writing to the address that you have provided to the police (or preferred method of contact), and/or via your legal representative if you have one.

It is important that you notify the OIC of any change to your address, your legal representative, or other point of contact, and that you provide us with any current phone numbers and email contact details. By doing so, we may be able to prevent you having to attend needlessly at a custody suite if we know (especially at short notice) that you have a new, later bail date or other information change (such as ‘No Further Action’).

OFFICIAL Date generated: 03/10/2023

Custody Record No:- 46YA/1620/23 Page 3 of 4

Police Advisory Notice to Suspects

If you are involved in criminal proceedings, the following summary of potential offences is included for your information and awareness. The same offences will also be brought to the attention of any relevant victim or witness for their information. The list of offences is NOT exhaustive.

The purpose of this is to make it clear to all involved parties that any unlawful, unnecessary or inappropriate contact between the suspect in a case (either directly or through a third party), and the victim or witness, may constitute a criminal offence.

Any unlawful, unnecessary or inappropriate contact reported to the police, including any perception that this is the case, may result in arrests and prosecution of parties for any of the following offences

Intimidation of witnesses, jurors & others

Under S.51 of the Criminal Justice & Public Order Act 1994 it is an offence to intimidate or threaten by any means any person involved in the investigation of an offence relating to criminal matters.

In summary proceedings A fine and/or maximum six months imprisonment

On indictment: A fine and/or maximum five years imprisonment


Under S.2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, it is an offence for a person to pursue a course of conduct which amounts to harassment of another, and which he/she knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other, or to persuade any person not to do something that they are entitled or required to do, or to do something that they are not under any obligation to do.

In summary proceedings A fine and/or maximum six months imprisonment

On indictment: A fine and/or maximum two years imprisonment

Please note that other, more serious, offences are also provided for under the Protection from

Harassment Act 1997

Perverting the Course of Justice

Under Common Law, it is an offence to conspire, act or embark upon a course of conduct which has a tendency to, and is intended to pervert, the course of public justice.

Some of the ways where conduct is capable of amounting to this offence is by making false allegations, perjury, concealing offences, obstructing the police, assisting others to evade arrest, failing to prosecute, interfering with witnesses/evidence/jurors, and publication of matters calculated to prejudice a fair trial.

On indictment: Maximum LIFE imprisonment

OFFICIAL Date generated: 03/10/2023

Custody Record No:- 46YA/1620/23 Page 4 of 4

Postal Charging

This leaflet explains Postal Charging and answers some questions you may have.

What is Postal Charging ?

This is a method of bringing an offender before a court for prosecution.

It means that you could be charged and required to attend court by post without returning to a police station.

Can I be charged by post ?

If you have been in police custody and you are granted unconditional police bail to return to a police station at a later date you may be charged by means of a ‘postal charge’ if a decision is made to charge you.

How does it work ?

If a decision is made to charge you at least 14 days before you are due to answer your bail you may

receive a ‘charge’ and a ‘requisition’ to attend court through the post.

Will I still be on Police bail ?

Once a postal charge and requisition has been issued you will no longer be on police bail for that offence.

What do I do if I receive a Postal Charge ?

You will receive a charge/requisition form (MG4D). This will state the offence(s) with which you are charged. This will require you to attend court at a specified date and time.

If you fail to attend court when required a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

If this happens you may be held in custody until the next available court.

If you do not receive a postal charge or a bail cancellation notice you must answer your police bail

at the date and time shown on your bail form.


Kent Police OFFICIAL Generated Date: 25/09/2023

Mr Shantanu Panigrahi



Bail to Police Station – Variation of Date/Location

Custody Record Number 46XA/1546/23

Custody Station Medway

Offcer in Case PC 46 14767 Corbishley

On 25/09/2023 16.06, you were granted bail, following your arrest on reasonable suspicion that you had committed an offence/s namely

Offence Committed Arrest Date/Time

Malicious Communications 28/03/2023 09.32

Malicious Communications 28/03/2023 09.32

Malicious Communications 28/03/2023 09.32

I write to advise you that your bailed to time or Police Station has been changed.

You must now attend Medway, Medway Police Station, Purser Way, Gillingham, Kent on 21/12/2023 20.00.

The reason for this re-bail is: SUPT Extension.


Please note:

If your bail has conditions attached, these bail conditions will still apply.

It is your responsibility to notify your legal representative of the change of your bail details.

Det Ch Insp 46 12013 Thompson

Custody Record No: - 46XA/1546/23


Kent Police OFFICIAL Date generated: 25/09/2023

Information to suspects released on bail

Bail legislation is contained with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, as amended in 2017 &


If released on bail the following is applicable:-

. You must surrender to custody at the date and time as specified above

. You will be subject to an Applicable Bail Period (ABP). The ABP covers a period that you can be bailed within by the Custody Officer before it is reviewed to ensure the investigation is being dealt with diligently and expeditiously and to ensure that bail is still necessary and proportionate.

. If initially you were released on bail before 28/10/2022 the ABP was authorised by a Police Inspector for 28 days. The ABP can be reviewed, and an extension for another three calendar months may be authorised on or before 28 days, by a Police Superintendent. Further extensions can be authorised at 3 calendar month intervals thereafter.

. If initially you wre released on bail after 28/10/2022 the ABP was authorised by the Custody Officer for 3 calendar months. The ABP can be reviewed, and an extension for another 3 calendar months may be authorised, on or before 3 calendar months, by a Police Inspector. Further extensions can be authorised at 3 calendar months intervals thereafter.

. If your case is being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office, or the Financial Conduct Authority, or HM Revenue and Customs, or National Crime Agency, the initial ABP for these dases is six months authorised by the Custody Officer. However, the police do not authorise extensions for these cases.

This must be done by a designated officer for those agencies.

. If your case has been immediately referred to the Crown Prosecution Service the ABP will not start unless they require the investigators to carry out further work.

. You or your legal representative= will be informed of theintention to apply for an extension to the

ABP either in person if at the police station or by your preferred means of contact. You will be asked if you want to make any representations either immediately if in person by return of post/email etc.

. Early reviews will be conducted by relevant decision makers and later ones will be conducted by the Courts.

. The ABP will be suspended for the time that the cas3e is sent back to the Crown Prosecution Service.

. You will be informed of the decision and the relevant time and date of the end of your ABP.

. You will also be informed of the actual date and time you are due to answer bail. This may be the same or a different time to the end of an ABP.

. The consequence of all the above is that your bail date can be subject to several amendments.

However a reasonable attempt will always be made to notify you of any changes, in writing to the address that you have provided to the police (or the preferred method of contact), and/or via your legal representative if you have one.

It is important that you notify OIC of any change of your address, your legal representative, or other point of contact, and that you provide us with any current phone numbers and email contact details.

By doing so, we may be able to prevent you having to attend needlessly at a custody suite if we know (especially at short notice) that you have a new, later bail date or other information change (such as ‘No Further Action’.


Custody Record No: - 46XA/1546/23


Kent Police OFFICIAL Date generated: 25/09/2023

Police Advisory Notice to Suspects

If you are involved in criminal proceedings, the following summary of potential offences is included for your information and awareness. The same offences will also be brought to the attention of any relevant victim or witness for their information. The list of offences is NOT exhaustive.

The purpose of this is to make clear to all involved parties that any unlawful, unnecessary or inappropriate contact between the suspect in a case (either directly or through a third party), and the victim or witness may constitute a criminal offence.

Any unlawful, unnecessary or inappropriate contact reported to the police, including any perception that this is the case, may result in arrests and prosecution of parties for any of the following offences

Intimidation of witnesses, jurors & others

Under 5.51 of the Criminal Justice & Public Order Act 1994 it is an offence to intimidate or threaten by any means any person involved in the investigation of an offence relating to criminal matters.


In summary proceedings A fine and/or maximum six months imprisonment

On indictment A fine and/or maximum five years imprisonment



Under S.2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, it is an offence for a person to pursue a course of conduct which amounts to harassment of another, and which he/she knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other, or to persuade any person not to do something that they are entitled or required to do, or to do something that they are not under any obligation to do.


In summary proceedings A fine and/or maximum six months imprisonment

On indictment: A fine and/or maximum two years imprisonment

Please note that other, more serious, offences are also provided for under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997


Perverting the Course of Justice

Under Common Law, it is an offence to conspire, act or embark upon a course of conduct which has a tendency to, and is intended to pervert, the course of public justice.

Some of the ways where conduct is capable of amounting to this offence is by making false allegations, perjury, concealing offences, obstructing the police, assisting others to evade arrest,

failing to prosecute, interfering with witnesses/evidence/jurors, and publication of matters calculate to prejudice a fair trial.


On indictment: Maximum LIFE imprisonment


Custody Record No: - 46XA/1546/23


Kent Police OFFICIAL Date generated: 25/09/2023

Postal Charging

This leaflet explains Postal Charging and answers some questions you may have.

What is Postal Charging?

This is a method of bringing an offender before a court for prosecution.

It means that you could be charged and required to attend court by post without returning to a police station.

Can I be charged by post?

If you have been in police custody and you are granted unconditional police bail to return to a police station at a later date you may be charged by means of a ‘postal charge’ if a decision is made to charge you.

How does it work?

If a decision is made to charge you at least 14 days before you are due to answer your bail you may receive a ‘charge’ and a ‘requisition’ to attend court through the post.

Will I still be on Police bail?

Once a postal charge and requisition has been issued you will no longer be on police bail for that offence.

What do I do if I receive a Postal Charge?

You will recxeive a charge/requisition form (MG4D). This will state the offence(s) with which you are charged. This will require you to attend court at a specified date and time.


If you fail to attend court when required a warrant will be issued for your arrest. If this happens, If

this happens you may be held in custody until the next available date


If you do not receive a postal charge or a bail cancellation notice you must answer your police bail at

the date and time shown on your bail form.


Custody Record No: - 46XA/1546/23





from: KentCPO <>

to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date: 6 Dec 2023, 07:50

subject: Auto-Reply


Signed by:

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.

Thank you for your email.

We have received your query and will ensure that the relevant person deals with it as soon as possible.

Please do not re-send your query, as this will not result in it being dealt with any sooner.

Please note: Court staff are not legally trained and so are unable to offer legal advice.

If you are uncertain how to proceed, information can be found at If you are in doubt it is best to seek professional legal advice from a solicitor or Citizens Advice Bureau.

Need to make a complaint? Get started here:

Here is how HMCTS uses personal data about you

Coronavirus (COVID-19): courts and tribunals planning and preparations

This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Internet e-mail is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding whether to send material in response to this message by e-mail. This e-mail (whether you are the sender or the recipient) may be monitored, recorded and retained by the Ministry of Justice. Monitoring / blocking software may be used, and e-mail content may be read at any time. You have a responsibility to ensure laws are not broken when composing or forwarding e-mails and their contents.

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