FW: Email from Shantanu via Bark2
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Michael Williams
Mon, 2 Jan at 18:53
Dear Michael
1. The psychotherapist has diagnosed me to be suffering from Trauma and PTSD and will be using some hypnosis as well as getting me to move my arms and legs while we have a Session tomorrow for which I have paid £100 following the submission of a Questionnaire as attached and a Report based on that Questionnaire as attached: EMAIL CLIENT WELLBEING QUESTIONNAIRE (ONLINE)RESPONSE.docx; Report of a Consultation with Dynamic Therapist Simon Taylor2Dec2023.docx
2. The Session details are as follows:
60 Minute Therapy Session
Your Phone Number
What would you like to cover in this Session?
PTSD, Trauma, schizophrenia control, persecution complex control
What outcome would you like for this Session?Serenity of the mind; learning to trust people like the Police and the Courts civil and criminal such as the Central London County Court and East Kent Magistrates Court and Medway County Court and the Attorney General.
Is there anything else that would help prepare for our Meeting?No; details have already been discussed at the Free consultation and subsequent correspondence on Whats App texting. Reschedule or cancel: Simon Taylor - Therapy - 60 Minute Session | TidyCal
Simon Taylor - Therapy - 60 Minute Session | TidyCal
Therapy - 60 Minute Session
Created by TidyCal
Tuesday Jan 3, 2023 ⋅ 11:45am – 12:45pm (United Kingdom Time)
Simon Taylor
Shantanu Panigrahi
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Reply for shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com
3. Do you think that this is the correct diagnosis and treatment plan from a Psychotherapist for me? if not what are your charges for assisting me instead?
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
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On Monday, 2 January 2023 at 18:31:21 GMT, Michael Williams <michael@m-williams.net> wrote:
Hi Shantanu,
Yes, of course – that’ll be fine.
And we can chat anytime. I’m usually better after some coffee in the morning: 07768906660
(I got your email from your profile – I hope this is ok)
From: Bark Team [mailto:team@bark.com]
Sent: None
To: michael@m-williams.net
Subject: Email from Shantanu via Bark
Dear Michael
I had to act quickly and took advantage of a good offer from a psychotherapist but if I do not find him useful, I will come back to you. Is that OK?
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Report of a Consultation with Dymanic Therapist Simon Taylor2Dec2022.docx