Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Enquiries Kent Police
Wed, 17 Aug at 10:19
Kent Police
Dear Sirs
As you may be aware, I had attempted to implement an Injunction against Kent Police to protect my reputation as a law-abiding citizen as I had been aghast at the allegations from unknown sources of harassment and stalking that have been identified by Kent Police for which I was interrogated on 16 September 2021 with an arrest on 24 November 2021 that I was released without bail. There were also the allegations of harassing malicious emails against BP and staff of BLM Law as attached 2022-06-01 Dr Panigrahi letter out.pdf; 2022-06-07 Dr Panigrahi letter out (1).pdf; Emails from to BLM25.05.22-04.06.22(1)pdf.
Simultaneously I had resumed my Money Claims Application at Medway County Court initially submitted to Queens Bend High Court (Claim No HQ17X01773) under Claim J00ME572, which ran into procedural anomalies so that as things stand this moment the Court is not taking any action on the application, and it can be safely assumed to have been discontinued at this Court.
As regards to the investigation itself I had asked Kent Police's Professional Standards Department to review the matter and to let me know whether the complaint that my wife and I had made against PC Nicholls and by extension WC Field, PC Evans, and DI Seamark constituted an abuse of Police powers in action. The matter was raised to the Independent Office for Police Conduct, but to date no response has been received by me. So it can also be assumed that IOPC does not have the remit to investigate my complaint.
As to the self-referral prompted to me by PC Nicholls to the Metropolitan Police, this too has run into a blank wall of silence.
Finally, I had furnished the details of the complaint for a Judicial Review and asked the Administrative Court Queen's Bench to add this complaint to preceding ones so that it should reopen Case Reference No CO/1680/2022 for a final resolution of what I have perceived as victimisation by organised syndicate since 1998 or that the persecution was simply allowed to manifest itself by the faults in the Constitution of the United Kingdom as far as Judicial and Law Enforcement in the United Kingdom is concerned.
With that background, I am terminating all my legal proceedings as it is clear to me that the Police Forces are individually a law to themselves and regulate themselves with no oversight of the abuse of powers.
Be that as it may, I am writing to state that we still need our desktop computer, USB Memory Stick, Amazon Pad and old Mobile Phone seized from our property on 24 November 2021 to be returned to us as soon as possible, and I would like to have a date by which Kent Police will do so.
Your immediate reply would be handy.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
2022.06.01 Dr Panigrahi letter out.pdf 147.6kB
2022.06.07 Dr Panigrahi letter out (1).pdf 173.4kB
Emails from to BLM 25.05.22 - 04.06.22 (1) .PDF 811.2kB: