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Shantanu Panigrahii's Daily Bulletin

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Samaritans, the latest State authority, surface and then retreat

Re: [filtered] Fw: Rejection of Job Application2




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Mon, 5 Dec at 16:48

Dear Jo

Not that I am misogynistic but is Jo short for Joseph or Josephine?

See what I mean about being paranoid schizophrenic? I just need to know exactly who I am dealing with. Uncertainties cause me disruption of mind as I get mired in delusions, especially if I do not receive instant answers to my emails from recipients, treating as I do emails being conversations so that people who do not reply are hiding something from me, holding something up their sleeve to attack me with for which I need to be prepared.

Your email although late is a positive thing for me as it has calmed my suicidal thoughts and distressing caused by the lack of information from the authorities that be to the following communications that I have linked for ease of referral.

Request #5748034: How would you rate the support you received (

Request #5748034: How would you rate the support you received

Request #5748034: How would you rate the support you received? Inbox Support 12:02 (2 hours ago) H...

This haunts me for I think that what if Kent Police spring one on me at an opportune moment for the State and drag me to a criminal court given that it has all my data of correspondence and publications which it can use to charge me with offences to hide their blushes. I will be in no man's land as June Banfield has still not contacted me as my Duty Solicitor. I do have her telephone number that she wrote down on a piece of paper so hopefully she will come and represent me in Court in such an eventuality. With me complicated mental illnesses that wrote to you about I cannot go to Court so will have to rely on her to do so if and when the time comes. Ordinarily i would have copied her into this email but for your strict instructions that I must never do that, so I hope that .....

Well that is all delusional thoughts are they not: for all we know Kent Police has no intentions of charging me with any offences and may even have cancelled my alleged Speeding offence of 5 October 2022 that I paid £92 as the Speed Awareness Fee for attending the 11 January 2023 course arranged for me by Kent County Council: but for all I know the Single Justice Point Procedure may have ruled otherwise that I am being kept in the dark about to this day.

So my suicidal tendencies from depression and distress may well return, you understand Jo, do you not?


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On Monday, 5 December 2022 at 14:34:55 GMT, <> wrote:

Hello Shantanu

It sounds as though you are dealing with a lot of problems at the moment and we are here to offer you emotional support, whilst things are so difficult for you to cope with.

You say that you suffer with paranoid schizophrenia, have been feeling very distressed and having thoughts of suicide. I wonder if you feel able to tell us a little more about this and how strong your suicidal feelings are?

You also say that you suffer persistent delusions, would it help to tell me more about these?

If you feel that it would help you to share your thoughts and feelings with a listening ear, then please get back to us.



You can call Samaritans free on 116 123 day or night, 365 days a year, from any phone in the UK or Republic of Ireland. A trained volunteer will answer the phone as soon as they can.

When you email us, we aim to respond within 24 hours. This means it will usually be several hours before someone reads your email. If you need urgent support, we can respond more quickly if you call.

You can find more information about Samaritans, including other ways to contact, online self-help and more about the email service at Our privacy statement is here:

Samaritans registered Charity Number 219432 (England & Wales) and SC040604 in Scotland.


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