Trial Hearing of 10 November 2023, 2 pm
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Northkent <>
date: 21 Aug 2023, 15:55
subject: Trial Hearing of 10 November 2023, 2 pm
North Kent Magistrates Court
Dear Sir/Madam
1. It is still proving incredibly difficult to get a Lawyer to represent me at the Hearing as Forz Khan and Salman Islam are not responding: Fw: Java Hosting: Are family lawyers in short supply in the United Kingdom? (
2. I had also contacted Davis Simmonds and Donaghey Solicitors without success and 20 minutes ago made a final contact with the Law Firm, as follows:
Telephoned Gillingham: (01634) 852700 at 15.25 pm and had to leave a Voicemail. I gave my name address and Mobile Phone number, and said that I had sent 3 emails in the past few days to jhadlow, but no one has come back to me. If someone could let me know your decision I would be grateful. My number again is 07967789619. Thank you.
I then went into the website of Davis Simmonds & Donaghey and had to leave a contact point message giving my email as, Telephone Number as 07967789619 and the following message:
I sent you 3 emails to jhadlow, in the past 3 days but no one has come back to me, so I telephoned 10 minutes ago to enquire whether the work that I require DSD to implement falls within the remit of the areas that you cover. The emails that I sent were on 18 Aug 2023, 06:43, 18 Aug 2023, 07:08 and 19 Aug 2023, 08:27.
I will wait for your emailed reply or a telephone call until 6 pm today.
Thank you for contacting us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible
3. This will be the last Law Firm I am going to spend time looking for legal representation on as I must have contacted over 70 such law firms over the past 25 years without success.
4. I will just have to attend in person and take my mental health medications with me when I attend, unless you can do a Video link Trial on Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
5. Thank you: this is just to keep the Court updated.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619