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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Ready to attend Voluntary Interview on Monday 22 May 2023

Ready to attend Voluntary Interview on Monday 22 May 2023




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Civil Claims Officers HQ Kent, Central London DJSKEL Judiciary at County Court

Sat, 20 May at 06:52


Civil Claims Department

Kent Police

Dear Sirs

Is there any new information that you are able to provide the public with on this long-standing dispute that the Circuit Judge at the Central London County Court needs to know to settle my Claim E35YM660 against the Prime Minister at the Central London County Court?

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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From: "Shantanu Panigrahi" <>

To: "Northkent" <>


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Sent: Fri, 19 May 2023 at 22:44

Subject: Fw: Ready to attend Voluntary Interview on Monday 22 May 2023


Magistrates at Medway Magistrates Court

Your Honour

Case number: 0462300074226

In respect of the attached Notice of New Date of Hearing NKMC.docx, to this day I do not know whether the proceedings below are part of the considerations before the Magistrates, and if they are, the linked communications RE: EXTERNAL - Re: Voluntary Interview ( and this my latest communication to DC Field must be relevant for your Honour to consider.

My second question is the entry 'No one need attend on this Date' that refers to 1 June 2023 could mean that I am not invited to attend in person to submit my case to the Magistrates to order Kent Police to issue me with an apology and several millions of pounds as damages and compensation for the manner in which I have been terrorised by powers of the State who are still unknown to me but which is a legitimate grievance against Kent Police for its failure to apprehend the real criminals and instead treating me as a suspect rather the victim.

Please therefore let me know what the nature of the Hearing on 1 June 2023 is going to be in light of these further communications from me to the Court.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

----- Forwarded message -----

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

To: <>

Sent: Friday, 19 May 2023 at 22:10:31 BST

Subject: Ready to attend Voluntary Interview on Monday 22 May 2023


DC Field

Dear DC Field

I did not get a medical certificate promise from Issac of Britton House later this afternoon after I wrote to you and as you are aware they have for very long denied my access to Secondary Mental Health Services over the past year and a half since Dr Odesanya left the Team. I have only had people like Issac and other junior staff examine me folowing nurse Eita Sita made the referral from Medway Police Station on 28 March 2023 arrest and again on 20 April 2023 arrest. Perhaps they do not think that there is anything congenital about my mental state of mind and it is also possible that I have just been suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and nothing else. This would appear to be the reason that the appointment of 26 May 2023 was not replaced with a new date of appointment and there was no medication review despite the concerns expressed to Britton House by my GP Surgery at Long Catlis Road where Dr Mwanche is the appointed doctor for me that you can speak to.

I personally think that the Mental Health authorities do not think that I have a serious mental health disability or disorder such as to warrant a Medical Certificate as a Sick Note but they prescribe me with anti-psychotic, anti-depressant and mood stabilizing medications for some condition which they then think that I am using as an excuse to avoid the repercussions of my emails, blogging and writing my autobiography online as the possible allegations that Kent Police may be investigating me for over the past year and half that you said today that I was not entitled to the details of at this stage.

I am feeling less psychotic this evening and motivated to come and assist Kent Police with their continuing enquiries on the allegations of malicious communications and harassment which are still a mystery to me in so many different respects,

So if it is not too late, can I come to Medway Police Station on Monday 22nd May (or Tuesday) for the voluntary interview that you wish to get on with. I would not require a Duty Solicitor.

Waiting to hear back by email if you are working this weekend or I will wait for your telephone call on Tuesday morning as you indicated.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619


Notice of New Date of Hearing NKMC.docx 15.3kB:

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