Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Enquiries Kent Police, Force Control Kent Police
Sat, 27 May at 07:27
Kent Police
Dear Sir
1. I am in the process of having an interview for employment with 111 NHS Ambulance Service on 4 June 2023, and in view of the arrests of myself on 16 September 2021, 24 November 2021, 23 November 2022, 28 March 2023 and 20 April 2023 at various Police Stations in the Medway towns area, require an updated certificate from Kent Police to the one you issued on 23 March 2023, as attached: CHARGE REFUSED CERTIFICATE FROM KENT POLICE.pdf.
2. I would be grateful for your kind consideration for the Security checks that potential employers will carry out on my job applications.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
Kent Police
Protecting and serving the people of Kent
16 Edinburgh Square, Kent Police, Sutton Road, Maidstone, ME15 9BZ
This is available in
large print on request
Professional Standards Department
For the attention of the addressee only
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Via Email: shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com
Date: 20 March 2023
Reference: IX/00300/23
Dear Dr Panigrahi,
Concerning your recent email to Kent Police Complaints Team;
Regarding property you believe is outstanding from the previous investigation, please contact the officer in charge of the case to arrange for the property relating to that matter to be returned as required. This can either be completed directly by you, or via your legal representative. The copy of the document you have kindly attached to your email is the official refused charge record for your filing/records.
Yours sincerely,
Complaints Administration Team
Professional Standards Department
Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
PSD Complaints Kent Police
Sat, 11 Mar at 07:08
Professional Standards Kent Police
Dear Sir
I hope that Kent Police have now realised that I had nothing to do with the criminal anonymous emails numbering hundreds that were sent out from my Gmail and yahoo mail accounts over the past few years for which I was suspected with allegedly harassing individuals and institutions with malicious communications. The linked communications summarises the discrepancies in the matter:
Re: - The 77 Vitali-Chi Secrets - The Telling Secret (knowledgeassessmentanddissemination.com)
The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited deposits
Speeding Offence of 5 October 2022: Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Sir, I have during my 50 years of residence in the United Kingdom with a United Kingdom nationality and British passport have always served the State in my own philanthropic manner and it has been misunderstood as subversion possibly in that I am castigated as a pariah on the State. I abhor this characterisation. I love the United Kingdom and have tried hard to retain my citizenship despite untold provocations and trolling that has taken place on me and my family.
I have always been open to the Courts and Kent Police and have always kept the State authorities informed at each step of the way to try and prove that I have done nothing wrong in society and have not engaged in any activities that bring to question my loyalty to His Majesty King Charles III and before that the Late Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom.
You will know from my career records that I was a civil servant and undertook missions on behalf of the State to third world countries that I am proud of having achieved. I will always be grateful to the United Kingdom for giving me the life that I have enjoyed living over those years.
I am a bonafide member of the Conservative and Unionist Party (see attached:
ConservativeMembershipCertificate.pdf) which should tell you that peacefully I take part in democracy to better the lives of the people of the United Kingdom.
With that submission, I plead with you to exonerate me of any offences that I have been allegedly responsible for that led to the attached arrest matters of 24 November 2021 and 23 November 2022 (NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutbail.pdf; kENT pOLICE CHARGE REFUSED sHANTANU pANIGRAHI.pdf.
I have gone through all the proactive rigours of litigation and private prosecution to try and clear my name of any wrongdoings, and as things stand today, I have not been charged with any offences. But since the investigation implicitly continues, I am writing to you to let me know what avenues are open to me to have this matter investigated if Kent Police do not issue me with a FULL Charge Refused Certificate, and make clear when the Desk-top computer, Mobile Phone, Amazon Fire, and
USB Memory Stick seized by the Kent Police will be returned to us and my Biometrics data collected obliterated from the records, so that I can get on with my life.
I look forward to your reply today.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf 1.2MB
ConservativesMembershipCertificate .pdf 1.4MB
NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf 1.2MB
Date: 24/11/2021
Notification of Release From Police Custody Without Bail
(Released – Under Investigation)
(PACE 1984 & CJ Act 2003 as amended by Police & Crime Act 2017)
Custody Record Number 46XC/4807/21
Custody Station: North Kent
Alleged Offence(s) Other -Not Listed -PNC Recordable – OIC PC 46 15002 Nichols
Name: Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Date of Birth: 08/08/1957
Other contact details: Mobile Phone – 07967789619
You remain under police investigation and the caser will be kept under review.
In relation to the offence(s) for which you have been arrested, a review of your case has been
conducted and it has been deemed that you shall be released from Police Custody without bail.
When the investigation is complete amd a decision has been reached, you will be contacted by Post to advise you of the outcome and any next steps.
. If the decision is to proceed with a prosecution then you will receive a postal requisition/charge with documentation outlining the offences and details of the Court, and a date that you are required to attend the Court. (An explanation of the ‘Postal Charging’ process is provided at the end of this notice)
. If the decision is made to proceed with a Non-court disposal option, such as a Simple Caution, Conditional Caution, Fixed Penalty Notice or Community Resolution, you will be informed of that decision and the next steps.
. If the decision is that No Further Action (NFA) is taken against you, then you will receive a notice informing you of that decision. (Any biometric material will be deleted or may be subject to an application to the Commi ssioner for the Retention and Use of Biometric Material for extended retention (qualifying offence only) or may be retained indefinitely due to previous conviction history)
. If any new evidence comes to light or an examination or analysis of existing evidence has been made which could not reasonably have been made before your release, you could be rearrested.
. It may also be necessary for you to undergo a further interview. If this is deemed necessary you may be arrested for that purpose or you may be invited to attend a voluntary interview if you agree to that course of action.
. While you remain under investigation, your biometric material (DNA and/or fingerprints) and your custody photograph will be held and searched against the national databases
Kent Police OFFICIAL Generated date: 23/11/2022
MG4F – Refused Charge
Custody Record 46YA/2784/22
Custody Station YA
Case File Ref 46/XY/18544/22 OIC
Defendant: Shantanu PANIGRAHI
Date of Birth: 08/08/1957
With reference to the below offence(s) for which you were arrested / for which you are under
MT88005 . Send communication / article of an indecent / offensive nature
MT88005 . Send communication / article of an indecent / offensive nature
Based on the evidence currently available a decision has been made to refuse to charge you in
respect of the above offence(s) because the evidence did not meet the evidential stage of the full
code test set out in the Code for Crown Prosecutors
You ahould be aware of the following:-
The Case will be kept under review.
. The decision not to charge may be re-considered if a review indicates that it was clearly wrong and should not be allowed to stand.
. If further evidence becomes available in the future, you may be re-arrested and a decision to charge may be made.
. The defendant has been advised that the case will be kept under review.
. The fact that no further action is being taken at this time does not prevent an aggrieved party pursuing criminal proceedings or civil remedy.
. You should ensure you retain any evidence upon which you have relied on whilst in custody.
This notice only applies to the offence(s) specified above
. If you are currently on bail to return to the police station in respect of these offence(s) it will not now be necessary for you to return.
. It is important to note that any bail conditions imposed in relation to any other offences will still apply.
. Any biometric material will be deleted or may be subject to an application to the Commissioner for the Retention and Use of Biometric Material for extended retention (qualifying offence only) or may be retained indefinitely due to any previous conviction history.
Officers Involved
Name of Officer Officer Role
Sg 46 10474 King Administering Officer
PC 46 14570 Danielsen Deciding Officer
PC 46 15806 Else Officer in Case
Custody Record No: 46YA/2784/22 Page 1 of 1
Certificate of Membership
Name: Mr Shantanu Panigrahi
Membership Number: 529651468
Party Association: Gillingham and Rainham
Expiry Date: 12/12/2023
(Signed Rishi Sunak)
Rt Hon Rishi Sunak
Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party
Shantanu, we have great pleasure in enclosing your membership details.
Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Email address: shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com
If your contact details are not up to date, please contact membership@conservatives.com or call
020 7984 8036 quoting your membership number and new email address.
As a member, you play a key role in the Party, supporting the work we’re doing in Government and contributing to the ideas, policies and future of the Party.
You will be invited to join us at Party Conference and to attend local and national events. And if you are just joining us, once you have been a member for three months you can also take part in Party elections.
To reduce our environmental impact, we are no longer issuing plastic membership cards. Please be assured that this does not impact your membership – you will never be asked to produce a card to prove your membership.
Our members are our most important campaigners. Your support is enabling us to build a brighter future.
Thank you
(Signed N.Zahawi)
Rt Hon Nadhim Zahawi MP
Chairman of the Conservative Party